Community Forums

Did you miss the community forum on October 30? Watch a recorded version here.

Infinite Campus

Campus Parent/Student Portal

Our student information system, Infinite Campus,  will provide information about your child's achievement. The Campus Portal is a confidential and secure website and app that provides parents/guardians and students with real-time access to the following information to better understand, monitor, and participate in the educational process. 



To Do Lists


Assessment Scores



Academic Planner

Meal Accounts/Payments


Graduation Progress

District/School Notices

Access student schedules, class assignments, and verify home address:

1 - Read any announcements or messages that are displayed.

Infinite Campus Announcements Window

3 - Select from the left side menu to see schedules, grades, assignments, etc .

Step 3

5 - Deposit money into student lunch accounts.

Step 5

2 - Select a student to view.

Infinite Campus Step 2

4 - Click more to verify your home address, view family information and apply for meal benefits.

Step 4 Image

6 - Fill out annual family update

District Communication

The district and teachers will communicate with parents through the parent portal. Messages will come from



If you are aware of a person with a handicap or with a disability who is not being served, please contact Kim Coody, Assistant Superintendent.

Glenpool Gifted Program

Need to nominate a student to be screened for the Glenpool Gifted Program? Teachers and parents click here.